Mom Therapy Unveiled: The Experience of Therapy as a Mom

What is it like to go to therapy as a mom?

I know what it’s like to be teetering on the edge of transformation, wanting to fully embrace the beautiful chaos of motherhood, and feeling driven by a deep desire to be the best mom to your kids, but holding back. Aching to step into the best version of yourself but denying the need to reach out for help. This blog post explores how the experience of therapy, tailored specifically for moms, can meet you in this very place and be the transformative experience you're looking for - a path to becoming the mother you aspire to be, fully experiencing joy in the journey and navigating complexities with grace and strength.

Without a doubt, motherhood is one of the most profound transformations a woman can experience.

From the initial dreams of motherhood to the moment of holding your child, it's a path marked by intense joy, challenges, and often, overwhelming emotions. There's an endless number of transitions experienced in motherhood - from a shift out of a career, to all the developmental changes babies and children go through - we are constantly adjusting and flexing in our roles as moms. Motherhood changes our relationships with friends and spouses and it changes how we experience our entire world.

As a mom to two young children - who has walked through the depths of postpartum anxiety and depression and experienced the tornado of kids emotions as they grow - I know that it can seem easier to withdraw than reach out. I understand that the thought of pursuing therapy can often be met with hesitation; it's a step filled with uncertainty, especially when you're already balancing the demands of motherhood. It took a breaking point for me to finally pursue therapy and I’m grateful that I embraced the courage to do it. Now, while I'm still living the challenges of motherhood daily, I'm on the other side as a therapist to mothers - reaching back to pull other moms out of the darkness into abundant living. Motherhood, with all of its highs and lows, is a journey you don't have to navigate alone.

If you've never experienced therapy as a mom - here's my take as a both a mom and therapist, and the experience I create for my clients in the counseling room. Therapy for moms is like the comforting experience of sitting down on a friend's couch, wrapped in the warmth of understanding and care. Just as the simple act of settling into a cozy, welcoming space with a trusted friend invites open-hearted conversations and shared vulnerabilities, therapy offers a nurturing environment for moms to explore their deepest feelings, challenges, and aspirations. It's a space where the chaos of motherhood can be laid bare, free from judgment or expectation, much like the moments of genuine connection and relief that come from confiding in a friend who listens with empathy and supports without condition.

However, I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge that therapy, much like the journey of motherhood itself, can sometimes feel challenging and even painful. However, this discomfort is not without purpose. This discomfort is a testament to the productive work being done beneath the surface. Like the pain of childbirth— despite its intensity, it can be embraced because it culminates in producing the miracle of life. In therapy, the moments of discomfort are similarly productive; they are indicative of the deep, transformative processes at work. As we navigate through these challenges, we are, in essence, giving birth to new perspectives, healing, and growth within ourselves.

Just as the pain of childbirth is endured with the knowledge that it leads to the joy of bringing life into the world, the difficult moments in therapy are borne with the understanding that they are part of the journey towards a healthier, more fulfilled self.

As someone who has navigated the intricacies of motherhood personally and professionally, I've found that therapy is a transformative relationship that fills your tool belt with skills and space to help you to become the mother you aspire to be. The goal of therapy is two-fold - to help you experience healing from the past while also equipping you with strategies for the future (for yourself and in parenting). Ultimately, therapy is a resource for helping you develop profound resiliency and strength to navigate life's complexities as a mom. Whether you're grappling with postpartum adjustments, balancing the demands of work and family life, navigating distant relationships, or seeking to rediscover your sense of self amidst the responsibilities of parenting, therapy can provide the support and guidance you need to thrive.

I've tailored my therapy practice to address the unique needs of moms, offering a blend of therapy and coaching designed to meet you at every stage of your motherhood journey.

My approach combines evidence-based therapeutic techniques with the personalized touch of life coaching. Drawing upon my certifications in trauma-informed coaching and advanced training in postpartum mental health, I aim to empower mothers to find their strength, balance, and joy. I provide parent coaching based on attachment and wellness planning for holistic health. For those who wish to integrate their faith into the therapeutic process, I can also offer counseling from a Christian perspective, providing an additional layer of support and resilience through spiritual growth. This holistic perspective ensures that therapy is not just about addressing immediate challenges but also about fostering long-term wellbeing and fulfillment.

If you're considering therapy as part of your journey through motherhood, I invite you to reach out. Together, we can explore how therapy and coaching can support your unique path, helping you to embrace the joys and overcome the challenges of motherhood.

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Angela Evans